Top Marks for Murder

Robin Stevens

Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong are back at Deepdean, where the school is hosting an extra

special event... the Anniversary Weekend. When one person is nearly murdered, things

start to make more sense. There can only be one group of suspects: The parents.

Now this is a special book! It´s one of those books where the worst thing about it is you can´t put it down. Honestly, it was great. This was the series that got me into crime books. And it´s for everyone...if you think this book is a bit too girly for you (because it´s about too girls...and the series is called murder most unladylike) William (who doesn´t like and is a bit embarrassed to read girly stuff) loved it. Even my fully grown-up dad read a book in this series and enjoyed it (I was VERY surprised!). One of my favourite things about this book is you´re always trying to guess who committed the crime. I absolutely loved it, and thought it was faultless.

Book Title: Top Marks for Murder

Author: Robin Stevens

Rating: 10

Category: Crime, Adventure

Age group: 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls, 14 year old girls, 11 year old boys, 12 year old boys, 13 year old boys, 11 year old girls

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Top Marks for Murder
Robin Stevens

Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong are back at Deepdean, where the school is hosting an extra

special event... the Anniversary Weekend. When one person is nearly murdered, things

start to make more sense. There can only be one group of suspects: The parents.

Now this is a special book! It´s one of those books where the worst thing about it is you can´t put it down. Honestly, it was great. This was the series that got me into crime books. And it´s for everyone...if you think this book is a bit too girly for you (because it´s about too girls...and the series is called murder most unladylike) William (who doesn´t like and is a bit embarrassed to read girly stuff) loved it. Even my fully grown-up dad read a book in this series and enjoyed it (I was VERY surprised!). One of my favourite things about this book is you´re always trying to guess who committed the crime. I absolutely loved it, and thought it was faultless.

Disclaimer: This is my affiliate link. That means that when you buy the book, I get a percentage of the money.

It doesn´t cost you a penny more, but it helps me with the website. If you do not wish to support me, use this link instead: