The Wizards of Once

Cressida Cowell

Xar is a wizard. And Wish is a warrior. They have been brought up as enemies. But when they meet each other, they quickly realise that an ancient evil has returned... the wizards and warriors have been so busy fighting, that it has returned unnoticed. Xar and Wish have to save everyone before it’s too late.  

This book is a very enjoyable read. It is great for when looking for something enjoyable but not difficult or complicated to read. I much preferred this series to the "How to Train Your Dragon" series, I think because it had a lot more to it. However, it wasn´t my favourite, but maybe is just Cressida Cowell´s way of writing that doesn´t interest me as much as other writes.

Book Title: The Wizards of Once

Author:Cressida Cowell

Rating: 7

Category: Adventure, Fantasy

Age Group: 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls, 11 year old boys, 12 year old boys, 13 year old boys, Under 11, 11 year old girls

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The Wizards of Once
Cressida Cowell

Xar is a wizard. And Wish is a warrior. They have been brought up as enemies. But when they meet each other, they quickly realise that an ancient evil has returned... the wizards and warriors have been so busy fighting, that it has returned unnoticed. Xar and Wish have to save everyone before it’s too late.  

This book is a very enjoyable read. It is great for when looking for something enjoyable but not difficult or complicated to read. I much preferred this series to the "How to Train Your Dragon" series, I think because it had a lot more to it. However, it wasn´t my favourite, but maybe is just Cressida Cowell´s way of writing that doesn´t interest me as much as other writes.

Disclaimer: This is my affiliate link. That means that when you buy the book, I get a percentage of the money.

It doesn´t cost you a penny more, but it helps me with the website. If you do not wish to support me, use this link instead: