The Switch

Anthony Horowitz

This book is based on a billionaire boy, who makes a big mistake wishing he was someone

else. The nest morning, he woke up as Bob Snarby, trapped in a cruel and

horrible funfair world, inhabited by lots of criminals, mysterious fortune

tellers and Fynn. When his old and new lives collide, it uncovers a lie his dad

has been hiding from everyone.

William said: Yet another Anthony Horowitz book! Again, I really enjoyed this book. Not as much as "Granny", for example, but it´s still a great book. Also, similar to Granny, because there are some worrying and gripping bits.

I personally didn´t like how hopeless I felt as a reader... I felt like there was no hope for the main character, and I like having hope in bad situations.

Book Title: The Switch

Author: Anthony Horowitz

Rating: 8

Category: Adventure

Age group: 12 year old girls, 11 year old boys, 12 year old boys, 13 year old boys, Under 11, 11 year old girls

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