The Indian in the Cupboard

Lynne Reid Banks

It was Omri´s birthday, and he was very unimpressed by the plastic toy his best friend

gave him. But when he puts it in his old cupboard, something unspeakable

happened. His little plastic toy came to life!


I first heard this story in year 4, when my form teacher would read us a chapter of this when we had time at the end of the day. I remember how excited we all got to listen to the magical story of a toy that came to life and all the adventures that this came with it. When I left school at the end of the year, I don´t think we´d quite finished the book. So obviously, years later, it still troubled me: what really happened to Omri and his Indian? You can imagine my happiness when I came across this book after lots of research. And my inner year 4 girl was so glad to find out what happened to everyone at the end.

I thought it was a great book, that practically any age can read. It was a very simple story that was really easy to understand, and had a great plot. Personally I think 13 was a bit too old to read this, but I remember LOVING it in year 4 (aged 8-9). It´s a very unique story.

Book Title: The Indian in the Cupboard

Author: Lynne Reid Banks

Rating: 7.5

Category: Adventure, Fantasy

Age group: 12 year old girls, 11 year old boys, 12 year old boys, Under 11, 11 year old girls

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The Indian in the Cupboard
Lynne Reid Banks

It was Omri´s birthday, and he was very unimpressed by the plastic toy his best friend

gave him. But when he puts it in his old cupboard, something unspeakable

happened. His little plastic toy came to life!


I first heard this story in year 4, when my form teacher would read us a chapter of this when we had time at the end of the day. I remember how excited we all got to listen to the magical story of a toy that came to life and all the adventures that this came with it. When I left school at the end of the year, I don´t think we´d quite finished the book. So obviously, years later, it still troubled me: what really happened to Omri and his Indian? You can imagine my happiness when I came across this book after lots of research. And my inner year 4 girl was so glad to find out what happened to everyone at the end.

I thought it was a great book, that practically any age can read. It was a very simple story that was really easy to understand, and had a great plot. Personally I think 13 was a bit too old to read this, but I remember LOVING it in year 4 (aged 8-9). It´s a very unique story.

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It doesn´t cost you a penny more, but it helps me with the website. If you do not wish to support me, use this link instead: