The Diary of Anne Frank

Anne Frank

This is a classic. It is a real diary, written by Anne Frank whilst the Nazis were looking for Jews. As her family was Jewish, she had to go into hiding, along with some other family friends. She keeps, written in her diary, her emotions and thoughts whilst going through this difficult time.

I didn't really enjoy this book just because I found it a bit boring. But it's incredible how this actually is a real diary. Which is just amazing and awful at the same time. I found this book very difficult to read. I got bored of it because I didn´t find it very interesting, although I love reading and learning about the war. But I think Anne Frank was an amazing girl. 

Book Title: The Diary of Anne Frank

Author:Anne Frank

Rating: 4

Category: Classic, Non-fiction

Age Group: 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls, 14 year old girls

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The Diary of Anne Frank
Anne Frank

This is a classic. It is a real diary, written by Anne Frank whilst the Nazis were looking for Jews. As her family was Jewish, she had to go into hiding, along with some other family friends. She keeps, written in her diary, her emotions and thoughts whilst going through this difficult time.

I didn't really enjoy this book just because I found it a bit boring. But it's incredible how this actually is a real diary. Which is just amazing and awful at the same time. I found this book very difficult to read. I got bored of it because I didn´t find it very interesting, although I love reading and learning about the war. But I think Anne Frank was an amazing girl. 

Disclaimer: This is my affiliate link. That means that when you buy the book, I get a percentage of the money.

It doesn´t cost you a penny more, but it helps me with the website. If you do not wish to support me, use this link instead: