The Diamond Brothers: The Blurred Man and I Know What You Did Last Wednesday

Anthony Horowitz

As you know, Tim Diamond is the worst detective you could possibly imagine. Unfortunately for his little sibling, Nick, cases keep coming in... At first, a charity worker got run over

by a steam roller, then a mysterious invitation written in blood-coloured ink.

Tim has got a weird feeling, and it isn´t a good one...


William and I seem to agree when it comes to Mr. Horowitz´s books! We thought that this one wasn´t Anthony Horowitz´s best book, as it wasn´t very memorable and just a bit nothingy. We did, however, enjoy reading it nonetheless.

Book Title: The Diamond Brothers: The Blurred Man and I Know What You Did Last Wednesday

Author: Anthony Horowitz

Rating: 9

Category: Crime, Adventure

Age group: 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls, 11 year old boys, 12 year old boys, 13 year old boys, Under 11, 11 year old girls

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