My Cousin is a Time Traveller

David Solomons

Luke has already got used to his brother and best friend being superheroes. But now, he

has found out his cousin also has powers...and is a time traveller! When she comes to see Luke, she tells him a warning from the future: Halt the rise of the machines, or humanity is Doomed! Can Luke even try to stop the Tech take-over? How on earth will he do that if he has difficulties doing the simplest tasks, like making toast?

With this series, William has preferred the books to me. He´s really loved all of them... and I understand why. He says: "It´s a really good book, beautifully written and really funny!". From how he describes it, he loved the fact that nearly everything in the book is ordinary... Luke´s town´s ordinary, the people are ordinary, but his brother and best friend have super powers! And as we learned in this book, so does his cousin. I think this makes it easier to imagine. Anyway, he recommends this book to anyone between the ages of 10-12,but personally o think this book is best suited if you´re interested in superheroes and an easy read.

Book Title: My Cousin is a Time Traveller

Author:David Solomons


Category: Adventure

Age Group: 12 year old girls, 11 year old boys, 12 year old boys, 13 year old boys, Under 11, 11 year old girls

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My Cousin is a Time Traveller
David Solomons

Luke has already got used to his brother and best friend being superheroes. But now, he

has found out his cousin also has powers...and is a time traveller! When she comes to see Luke, she tells him a warning from the future: Halt the rise of the machines, or humanity is Doomed! Can Luke even try to stop the Tech take-over? How on earth will he do that if he has difficulties doing the simplest tasks, like making toast?

With this series, William has preferred the books to me. He´s really loved all of them... and I understand why. He says: "It´s a really good book, beautifully written and really funny!". From how he describes it, he loved the fact that nearly everything in the book is ordinary... Luke´s town´s ordinary, the people are ordinary, but his brother and best friend have super powers! And as we learned in this book, so does his cousin. I think this makes it easier to imagine. Anyway, he recommends this book to anyone between the ages of 10-12,but personally o think this book is best suited if you´re interested in superheroes and an easy read.

Disclaimer: This is my affiliate link. That means that when you buy the book, I get a percentage of the money.

It doesn´t cost you a penny more, but it helps me with the website. If you do not wish to support me, use this link instead: