Little Bird Flies

Karen McCombie

While Bridie has always been happy on the Scottish Isle of Tornish, but she has always dreamed of leaving...and exploring a foreign land- America. But when the lovely, old laird dies and an evil one replaces him, the family struggles. One day, they get the perfect opportunity to escape...and Bridie’s dream of leaving comes true. 

I really liked this book. The story was great, and it was really well written. It was one of those books where you could just picture every little thing in your head. I remember loving how adventurous Bridie was, and wishing I was as adventurous as she was. Maybe in a life without devices, roads, cinemas, I would be. Maybe all it would take would be to move to a remote island...

Book Title: Little Bird Flies

Author:Karen McCombie

Rating: 8

Category: Adventure

Age Group: 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls, 12 year old boys, Under 11

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Little Bird Flies
Karen McCombie

While Bridie has always been happy on the Scottish Isle of Tornish, but she has always dreamed of leaving...and exploring a foreign land- America. But when the lovely, old laird dies and an evil one replaces him, the family struggles. One day, they get the perfect opportunity to escape...and Bridie’s dream of leaving comes true. 

I really liked this book. The story was great, and it was really well written. It was one of those books where you could just picture every little thing in your head. I remember loving how adventurous Bridie was, and wishing I was as adventurous as she was. Maybe in a life without devices, roads, cinemas, I would be. Maybe all it would take would be to move to a remote island...

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It doesn´t cost you a penny more, but it helps me with the website. If you do not wish to support me, use this link instead: