Just Call Me Spaghetti-Hoop Boy

Lara Williamson

This book is based on a normal boy, called Adam Butters. Who loves Spaghetti hoops. He is

adopted. His biological mum called him Ace. And he wants to prove the earth

that is what he is...

William said: I didn´t really enjoy this book, just a bit child-ish for me. Although I think it would be great for younger readers.

I however thought it was a great easy read. I had low expectations but was pleasantly surprised. I Just thought it was a simple book, but it all just worked out well. I mean, it wasn´t my favourite book or anything, but it was a nice, simple, easy read.

Book Title: Just Call Me Spaghetti-Hoop Boy

Author: Lara Williamson

Rating: 7

Category: Adventure, Humour

Age group: 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls, 11 year old boys, 12 year old boys, 13 year old boys, Under 11

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