Harry Potter and the Philosopher´s Stone

J.K. Rowling

I don't know how to start this. I think most people know what Harry Potter is about. But for those who don't, here it is: Harry Potter has lived with his Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley since he was a baby. They treat him awfully (I mean, his room is the cupboard under the stairs) until he gets LOADS of letters from "Hogwarts", addressed to him. His Uncle doesn't let him open them, so Hagrid, a half giant, appears and tells him he´s a wizard. Harry goes to Hogwarts, and the adventures begin!

I am a MASSIVE Harry Potter fan. I read it when I was 9 and just fell in love with the books. Both my siblings have found it tricky getting into it, but I assure you, once you do get into them, they are just the most magical books. And the books get better and better in the series.

Book Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher´s Stone

Author:J.K. Rowling

Rating: 10

Category: Adventure, Fantasy

Age Group: 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls, 11 year old boys, 12 year old boys, 13 year old boys, Under 11

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher´s Stone
J.K. Rowling

I don't know how to start this. I think most people know what Harry Potter is about. But for those who don't, here it is: Harry Potter has lived with his Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley since he was a baby. They treat him awfully (I mean, his room is the cupboard under the stairs) until he gets LOADS of letters from "Hogwarts", addressed to him. His Uncle doesn't let him open them, so Hagrid, a half giant, appears and tells him he´s a wizard. Harry goes to Hogwarts, and the adventures begin!

I am a MASSIVE Harry Potter fan. I read it when I was 9 and just fell in love with the books. Both my siblings have found it tricky getting into it, but I assure you, once you do get into them, they are just the most magical books. And the books get better and better in the series.

Disclaimer: This is my affiliate link. That means that when you buy the book, I get a percentage of the money.

It doesn´t cost you a penny more, but it helps me with the website. If you do not wish to support me, use this link instead:
