Groosham Grange

Anthony Horowitz

This is the first book of the 2-book collection.

Sent to Groosham Grange by his parents, David Eliot quickly discovers that his new school is a very weird and creepy place indeed. The new pupils are made to sign their names in some kind of blood, the French teacher disappears every full moon and the assistant

headmaster keeps something very mysterious in his room.

This book comes with a bit of a personal story. William, unlike me, didn´t like reading age 10. He hated it. We tried every book, from Harry Potter to much, much easier books. And still, he didn´t like reading. And one Christmas, my parents got him this book. You can imagine his face when he received a book. A BOOK. I mean, come on, he hated reading and my parents bought him a book. Little did he know that that book would make him a little bookworm. He found the book really funny and creative. So if you´re struggling with loving to read, we get it. And this book could solve your problems!

However, as a person that didn´t have this issue, I found this book ok. Nothing amazing, but a normal, good book. It wasn´t a "I can´t put this book down" book, but it also wasn´t a "I can´t wait to finish reading this book" book.

Book Title: Groosham Grange

Author: Anthony Horowitz

Rating: 8

Category: Adventure, Humour

Age group: 12 year old girls, 11 year old boys, 12 year old boys, 13 year old boys, Under 11, 11 year old girls

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