
Anthony Horowitz

This book is about a boy called Joe Warden, he is 12 years old and he can't stand his

parents, his house or his family's day-to-day life. His parents are wealthy but

inattentive, wrapped up in their own bizarre pursuits. But worst of all is hi

GRANNY. The question is... Can Joe thwart Granny´s evil scheme before he is

turned into neoplastic slime?

This is definitely the scariest Anthony Horowitz book I´ve´s possibly the scariest book I´ve ever read. However, William and I both read it ages 11 and 12, and even I was alright (and I´m a bit of a scaredy cat!). William really enjoyed it, but I found it slightly uncomfortable to read in some bits. I guess I didn´t really like how someone so close to Joe could do something like turning him into neoplastic slime. However, William really loved it and thought it was funny, so if this sort of thing doesn´t scare you or make you a bit uncomfortable, go for it!

Book Title: Granny

Author: Anthony Horowitz

Rating: 9

Category: Adventure, Humour

Age group: 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls, 11 year old boys, 12 year old boys, 13 year old boys, 11 year old girls

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