Genesis Begins Again

Alicia D. Williams

There are ninety-six reasons why Genesis dislikes herself. She knows this, because she keeps a list. Her dad is a gambler, and they are always being put out of their house. So Genesis is determined to fix her family...but she soon realizes that to fix them, she needs to change her attitude about what she thinks about herself.  

I think this book helped me a lot. I have gone through self doubt, just thinking I'm not enough, and comparing myself to others. I think this book just helped me realise that this also happens to others. Which helped me more than I can express in words. So I would DEFINITELY recommend this to 13 year olds especially.

Book Title: Genesis Begins Again

Author:Alicia D. Williams

Rating: 7

Category: Adventure

Age Group: 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls, 14 year old girls

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Genesis Begins Again
Alicia D. Williams

There are ninety-six reasons why Genesis dislikes herself. She knows this, because she keeps a list. Her dad is a gambler, and they are always being put out of their house. So Genesis is determined to fix her family...but she soon realizes that to fix them, she needs to change her attitude about what she thinks about herself.  

I think this book helped me a lot. I have gone through self doubt, just thinking I'm not enough, and comparing myself to others. I think this book just helped me realise that this also happens to others. Which helped me more than I can express in words. So I would DEFINITELY recommend this to 13 year olds especially.

Disclaimer: This is my affiliate link. That means that when you buy the book, I get a percentage of the money.

It doesn´t cost you a penny more, but it helps me with the website. If you do not wish to support me, use this link instead: