Everything, Everything

Nicola Yoon

Madeline Whittier has watched the world from her window. She has a rare illness that stops her from going outside. Other than that, she lives a calm life with her mum and nurse...until Olly, a boy dressed in black, moves next door. Suddenly, it becomes impossible for Maddy to go back to her old routine and ignore the outside world...even if it puts her life in danger.  

Oh my days. OHH MY DAYSS. Normally I don´t like reading romances. At all. Or watching them, for that matter. I mean, I´m turning 12 soon, so I think that´s pretty normal. Surprisingly, though, I really enjoyed this book. And I read it in Portuguese, which normally makes me dislike the book (because if you´re forced to read it´s bad enough, let alone in a language that isn´t your mother tongue and with a book that´s been TRANSLATED from English to Portuguese), but this book was just amazing.

Book Title: Everything, Everything

Author: Nicola Yoon

Rating: 8

Category: Adventure, Romance

Age group: 12 year old girls, 13 year old girls, 14 year old girls

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Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon

Madeline Whittier has watched the world from her window. She has a rare illness that stops her from going outside. Other than that, she lives a calm life with her mum and nurse...until Olly, a boy dressed in black, moves next door. Suddenly, it becomes impossible for Maddy to go back to her old routine and ignore the outside world...even if it puts her life in danger.  

Oh my days. OHH MY DAYSS. Normally I don´t like reading romances. At all. Or watching them, for that matter. I mean, I´m turning 12 soon, so I think that´s pretty normal. Surprisingly, though, I really enjoyed this book. And I read it in Portuguese, which normally makes me dislike the book (because if you´re forced to read it´s bad enough, let alone in a language that isn´t your mother tongue and with a book that´s been TRANSLATED from English to Portuguese), but this book was just amazing.

Disclaimer: This is my affiliate link. That means that when you buy the book, I get a percentage of the money.

It doesn´t cost you a penny more, but it helps me with the website. If you do not wish to support me, use this link instead:
