Driving Over Lemons

Chris Stewart

When Chris Stewart decides to move to Las Alpujarras, an odball region in south Granada, Andalucía, he is optimistic. His farm, El Valero, is on a patch of mountain studded with olive, almond and lemons groves, sited on the wrong side of the river, with no access road, water supply or electricity. And yet, he forges a friendship of a lifetime with his resourceful peasant neighbour Domingo, watches his baby daughter grow up happily there, and written this book.  

This book just reminded me of Andalucía... not the fake Andalucía that you get in places like Marbella or the Costa del Sol, but the real, countrysidy, hot, unique Andalucía. I really enjoyed reading this, but it might have been because it reminded me of aspects of my childhood. It´s a great insight of what Andalucía is REALLY like.

Book Title: Driving Over Lemons

Author:Chris Stewart

Rating: 8

Category: Non-fiction

Age Group: 13 year old girls, 14 year old girls, 13 year old boys

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Driving Over Lemons
Chris Stewart

When Chris Stewart decides to move to Las Alpujarras, an odball region in south Granada, Andalucía, he is optimistic. His farm, El Valero, is on a patch of mountain studded with olive, almond and lemons groves, sited on the wrong side of the river, with no access road, water supply or electricity. And yet, he forges a friendship of a lifetime with his resourceful peasant neighbour Domingo, watches his baby daughter grow up happily there, and written this book.  

This book just reminded me of Andalucía... not the fake Andalucía that you get in places like Marbella or the Costa del Sol, but the real, countrysidy, hot, unique Andalucía. I really enjoyed reading this, but it might have been because it reminded me of aspects of my childhood. It´s a great insight of what Andalucía is REALLY like.

Disclaimer: This is my affiliate link. That means that when you buy the book, I get a percentage of the money.

It doesn´t cost you a penny more, but it helps me with the website. If you do not wish to support me, use this link instead:
